The Norman Door

“The Norman door is basically any door that's confusing or difficult to use. It was named after (and not by) design guru Don Norman to define this all-too-common design foible. To determine if a door is “Norman,” ask yourself whether the door makes sense as you approach it.”

  1. Focus upon the people

  2. Find the right problem

    Define your audience, Desktop research and Interview / focus groups.

  3. Think of everything as a system

    Customer Journey Map

  4. Always Validate your design

    Always need feedback,


Amazon - Website, Alexa/Echo, Kindle, Delivery/Staff, Email, Packaging, TV Adverts, AWS, Prime

Spotfiy - Website, App, Free/Paid, Adverts, Hyperlinks, Smart Devices

Ulster Uni. - Website, Open Days, Buildings, Staff, Social Media

Design Systems
